Gardening covers a broad spectrum of different growing spaces from using fields to beds and pots. There are many specific gardening tools that you may not need. We will assume that you are a beginner looking for the most basic of tools. So just to get you started, here are 8 gardening tools that will give you a good start.

1. Hand Trowel

One of the most essential gardening tools is a hand trowel which is needed for planting assistance, transplanting and potting. A good quality hand trowel should have a sturdy connection between the blade and handle, with a comfortable grip on the handle to avoid hand fatigue (Which can become a problem), and allows you optimal control for those awkward craves.

2. Shovel

A shovel is an essential tool for most of the jobs around the garden, particularly those that include digging and or the removal of additional loose gardening materials such as compost and soil. Whether you’re shovelling away weeds or simply spreading mulch, digging a deep hole or filling a bed with compost, a good quality shovel is a most for even the most basic of gardening needs.

Gardening tools: shovel
Gardening tools: shovel

3. Rake

Having a rake will allow you to remove pesky stones, rocks and clogs from the ground before you start planting. It is also used for levelling or smoothing the surface of the soil after planting. A rake can be extremely handy for the gathering of leftover debris like leaves and weeds.

4. Wheelbarrow

Having a wheelbarrow greatly eases the strain when you’re moving heavy and awkward gardening waste around your garden.

5. Pruning shears

or most commonly referred to as pruning shears are very useful and handy to use and an essential gardening tool to have. These are needed when needing to trim or shape plants and shrubs and for the removal of dead growth.

Gardening tools: secateurs
Gardening tools: secateurs

6. Looper

A looper is another tool used for cutting and trimming. With its long-handled pruners, it will definitely be needed for reaching higher and thicker branches. It also provides additional leverage to make it a little easier.

7. Garden fork

A small and efficient tool for the turning and mixing of soil. Garden forks are generally used for more dense soil.

8. Watering Wand

A better alternative for using a hose is to use a watering wand which gives a gentler rain shower. Its extended reach is also very helpful to get to those out-of-the-way containers and hanging plants.

Gardening tools: Watering Wand
Gardening tools: Watering Wand

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